
What is a S106 and why is it important to have an agreement in place?
S106 agreements, also referred to as planning obligations are legal agreements between Local Authorities and developers.
An S106 agreement will contain information and measures in which the developer must take to reduce their impact on the community.
Now, are any of the below familiar?
Do you have a long and complex s106 agreement in place?
Do you have lots of obligations, triggers and aspects that need to be coordinated, monitored, and managed?
Have you to many tasks on your to do list and not enough time?
Do you need help keeping track of the indexation of s106 payments or keeping tabs on phased payments and trigger points?

If any of these resonate please get in touch with us!
We have considerable experience of implementing s106 agreements and taking care of all the administration associated with ensuring that contributions are paid correctly, all triggers are suitably monitored and managed.
If you are concerned that things may slip through the net due to a heavy workload, get in touch and we’ll lighten the load allowing you to focus on the day job, safe in the knowledge that your liabilities are being kept closely under review.