Hall Road | Rochford Consultation

Our Proposal:

We are proposing a vibrant new community with up to 300 homes including 50% affordable housing supported by significant green spaces, play areas, and sustainable drainage systems, on land north of Hall Road, Rochford.

We intend to submit an Outline Planning Application to Rochford Council in early 2025, and we are eager to hear the thoughts and feedback from local people.

Our Proposals Comprise:

Up to 300 homes of mixed sizes to meet local need, including 50% affordable housing. Our plans also include:

Sustainable Transport Links
Improved access to local facilities, enhanced public transport and car club vehicles, including new footways, cycleways, a crossing point, and off-road links to boost sustainable transport options.

Improved Biodiversity
Protect & create natural habitats through designated ecology areas, new trees and hedgerows, meadows and other planting. We will increase the biodiversity of the site in excess of 10%.

Meeting housing needs
The development aligns with government ambitions to increase housing supply and supports Rochford in meeting its housing targets, balancing environmental, social, and economic priorities for the area’s future.

Public consultation

When creating a new community, we value input from local people. We invite you to share your feedback on the proposals.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Who is being consulted?

We have identified 1,406 residential and commercial properties that surround the development area in which we have sent a newsletter and exhibition invite. In addition, we have a dedicated consultation web page with a resident’s survey to be completed.

The Site is within Rochford District Council, we have contacted the local councillors for the area and have been in contact with the local parish councils for both Rochford and Hawkwell.  We have also held a pre app meeting with Rochford District Council to further discuss our proposals and timeline.

Q: What will your full application submission include?

Croudace Homes are proposing to build a vibrant new community with up to 300 homes designed to meet housing needs, this will include 50% affordable housing, supported by substantial areas of green space, play areas, and sustainable drainage systems, on land at Hall Road, Rochford.

Q: Will we be able review all the material you submit?

Yes, all the information submitted as part of the full application submission will be accessible for public review, once validated by Rochford District Council.

Q: Will there be a public consultation?

Yes, there will be a public consultation where residents will be invited to share their views and speak with the team.

The public consultation is on:

Date: Thursday 23rd January 2025

Time: 2.00 – 7.00pm

Where:   Women’s Institute Hall – 21 West Street, Rochford SS4 1BE

Q: How many houses will be provided?

Up to 300 residential dwellings of mixed sizes to meet local need, including a policy compliant level of 50% affordable housing.

Q: Where is the Site access?

The site will be accessed directly via Hall Road.

Q; What are the parking arrangements?

The proposed levels of car parking will be agreed with the council at reserved matters stage. However, all homes will have car parking and cycle parking, and electric vehicle points will be available for residents. There will also be additional visitor parking to ensure that all parking is accommodated on site.

Q: How will the site be drained?

Surface water on site will be drained via a series of above ground attenuation features such as detention basins, which will store and attenuate the surface water across the development and reduce the existing flows into the adjacent watercourses. All surface water drainage systems will be designed to restrict drainage discharge rates to the greenfield 1 in 1 year storm event runoff rate and the basins will provide attenuation for all events up to and including the 1 in 100 year storm event including an allowance for a 40% increase in rainfall intensities as a result of climate change.

Anglian Water has public foul sewers on Hall Road, which is adjacent to the proposed development and a point of connection is proposed close to the entrance of the development. Discussions are ongoing with Anglian Water regarding the exact connection point. Any foul water sewers within the development parcels and offsite to the point of connection are to be offered for adoption to Anglian Water under the Section 104 process of the Water Industry Act.

Q: Does the site have good access to public transport links?

The development will provide improved access to local facilities and public transport, promoting non-car travel. Proposed highway enhancements include new footways, cycleways, a crossing point, and off-road links to boost sustainable transport options. Contributions will be made to support and improve existing and new local bus services.

Q: What public open space will there be?

The plan includes large public open spaces, biodiversity net gain areas, and Sustainable Alternative Natural Green spaces (SANG) land, all linked to existing green areas. The design will respect the local architectural character and preserving Rochford and Hawkwell as distinct settlements.

Q: What environmental benefits will the scheme provide?

We have undertaken a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) to assess the site’s biodiversity importance, comprehensive details of the flora and fauna on the Site be submitted as part of our outline planning application.

The majority of the site comprises of arable habitats which are of limited ecological interest. The creation of the SANG will provide a mosaic of habitats, including neutral grassland, native scrub, woodland and ponds alongside the development area which will increase the ecological opportunities that the site has to offer. A suite of ecological surveys is currently in progress to provide a robust assessment of the value of the habitats and protected species which are presently using the site.  These surveys will advise on any additional recommendations to the masterplan further down the line.

Our plans to further provide biodiversity measures on the site include:

  • Providing a SANG with circular walks and a selection of attractive open spaces.
  • The retention and enhancement of the existing trees and hedgerows within the Site
  • Careful location of development, open spaces and SANG.
  • Creation of a strong interrelationship with the existing Country Park to the east of the Site, providing new links and the potential for increased natural surveillance.
  • Providing public open spaces which include habitat areas, natural landscapes and play facilities.
  • Providing an attractive neighbourhood presenting a clear hierarchy of street and spaces.
  • Integration of sustainable drainage systems including a ponds, basins and swales to negate run off associated with the proposed development and manage the surface water run off flows.

Q: What about the impact on current highways?

We will look at reducing traffic and congestion, including:

  • We are exploring speed reduction measures along Hall Road into the town, alongside a possible gateway feature to slow traffic.
  • Electric Vehicle and cycle charging infrastructure.
  • Other methods to reduce travel, such as parcel lockers, communal mobility-hub and communal cycle parking.

Q: How will people get around?

The development will provide a range of opportunities for sustainable travel. These include:

Existing foot and cycleway network enhancements

  • A shared footway/cycleway along Hall Road, continuing east/west to and from Rochford Town Centre, bus routes and rail station.
  • Continuing the Eastbury Park route parallel to Hall Road to and from the town. The shared footway/cycleway also continues west beyond the Site.
  • Crossing points are to be provided across each arm of the Hall Road/Cherry Orchard Way junction.
  • To the south of the Site, the shared footway/cycleway meets Bridleway 47/48 which continues to London Southend Airport, its associated business park expansion and south Southend.
  • Ironwell Lane also continues along the northern Site boundary in an east/west direction, providing further links towards Rochford to the east and Hawkwell to the west. We propose further enhancements to this connection.

Public transport network enhancements, including:

  • Improvements to passenger transport services through a new or extended bus service and other local passenger transport improvements.
  • Possible bus stop along Hall Road.

Q: I would like to ask a question(s)/give my feedback?  How can I do this?

Please complete the survey found on the following link CLICK HERE FOR SURVEY or email info@urbanissta.co.uk 

Exhibition Boards

The exhibition panels displayed in the public exhibition are copied below:


Please click below to fill out the survey:


It is important for us to get your views, as residents of the local community. We would appreciate it if the survey could be completed by 30th January 2025 as this is when our consultation will close. We will then review the comments made and address them in our reserved matters submission.

Please note – Responses received after this date will not be considered.