Liberal Democrats Manifesto 2024..

The Liberal Democrats were the first of the three main parties to outline their 2024 manifesto…here we take a look at some of the key policies of their manifesto..

The cost of living has been high for many over the last few years, they propose to help people be able to afford the things they need, and to cut the cost of household bills. A plan will be made as to how they can build and make the economy stronger – this will include:

  • Helping businesses to grow to get more money and jobs for the country.
  • Spending more on training and education to help people get good jobs and earn more money.

They also propose to make sure that all people and businesses pay a fair amount of tax.

A 10 year plan will be made to make houses warmer and cheaper to heat and to ensure that most of the electricity in the UK is made by the wind, sun and sea by 2030.

Plans to look after the planet and to plant at least 60 million trees each year to help the environment.

Proposals to give everyone the right to see a doctor within 7 days, or quicker if urgent.

Reforms with mental health care.

Money will be spent on schools and on improving mental health services.

To propose to increase police numbers on the street and to help to keep the public feel safer. Court times will be decreased so people are waiting so long to attend court cases.

Plans to build 380,000 homes a year, that includes 150,000 social homes that are cheaper to live in. New homes would be delivered through new garden cities, community-led developments and by expanding neighbourhood planning.

To allow renters to have more rights and a fairer deal.

To allow councils to buy land for housing based on current rather than hope value, and by “properly funding” local authority planning departments. 

As well as giving councils power to end the Right to Buy in their areas, the Liberal Democrats would introduce a new ‘rent to own’ model for social housing where rent payments give tenants an increasing stake in the property, owning it outright after 30 years. 

To make electric vehicles cheaper and more accessible for more people.

To improve public transport by keeping train fares low, more accessible train stations and better bus services and routes.

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