Girl on the Tube (April ’17 part2)

with the clocks changing and it still being light when I leave the office, I opted to walk home from Kings Cross along the Regents Canal. I know what you’re all thinking- crazy! I’ll be needing some new trainers in no time.
But with my Three Peaks Challenge set for September I need to prepare myself mentally and physically. Walking along the Regents Canal also gave me an opportunity to get out the camera and really look at the buildings and the changing canal landscape. I was interested to see the mixture of old and new, and lots of activity.
27th March – 4th April
Kings Cross
Starting at Granary Square, I could see the work taking shape to fit out the gasholders.
There is quite a mixture of design styles along the canal as a modernist building sits next to a row of Victorian houses, probably warehouses once upon a time. But it doesn’t look out of context in the way that some developments in a village setting may look out of context. I guess the water setting provides much more flexibility, although slightly constrained by the site size.
Talking of water constraining development, I was amused to see a relatively new building covered in grass-making up for not being able to have a front garden I guess.
You can tell what’s new and what’s old. The new developments sit up tall and thin covered in glass and render compared to the older smaller brick buildings. I think I prefer the old to new in this canal setting, as it reflects the historic role of the canal.
I knew I was entering the Shoreditch section of the Regents Canal as there were bustling pubs and loud music. The Shoreditch sign on the wall was also a good clue!
There is a lot of redevelopment activity taking place in Shoreditch and Hackney, again one to keep an eye out for.
Mile End
And then as I finish my walk around Mile End, I’m reminded I’m back in the city. I can’t help but stop and reflect on the development at Canary Wharf in the distance and the pace at which change has occurred over my lifetime.
The views expressed below are my own and do not reflect the views of Urbanissta