Redhill Station, Redhill

Planning Permission to redevelop the existing station and car parks to provide a new station concourse with mixed-use retail, residential and flexible floorspace and parking was granted in October 2013.

Who was the client?

Private Client

What was the scheme?

Archaeological Support

What were we doing?

Listed Building Consent & Planning Permission

What is the Status?


The site contained potential for Mesolithic and later prehistoric occupation; paleo-environmental remains; the remains of nineteenth century structures; and, twentieth century military crash sites. We provided consultancy concerning archaeological matters. This entailed an archaeological desk-based assessment in support of the successfully granted permission, and post-determination, a Written Scheme of Investigation negotiated with Surrey County Council.

Given the potential for military crash sites and the difficulties of restrictions under the 1986 Protection of Military Remains Act, the production of both documents entailed substantial consultation with the County Council, English Heritage and the MoD.

Both documents were successfully negotiated and the latter with its associated trench plans agreed in March 2014.

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